Bacon Wrapped Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Bacon Wrapped Grilled Cheese Sandwich
The recipe is inspired by these Bacon-Wrapped Grilled Cheese Sticks created by DudeFoods.com.
1. It's as easy as it looks. First lay 5 strips of bacon on a cutting board.

Alvin Zhou / BuzzFeed
2. Make a sandwich with two pieces of bread and all the cheese your heart desires, then lay it at one end of the bacon strips.

Alvin Zhou / BuzzFeed
3. Wrap.

Alvin Zhou / BuzzFeed
4. Lay down another 5 strips of bacon.

Alvin Zhou / BuzzFeed
Your doctor will agree that this sandwich will change you, but her reasoning may be less positive than ours.
5. Wrap again. These bacon strips should be perpendicular to the first five.

Alvin Zhou / BuzzFeed
6. Sear both sides in a pan over medium heat. It'll take 5-7 minutes per side.

Alvin Zhou / BuzzFeed
You can also crisp the four edges by standing the grilled cheese up on its side for about 30 seconds per edge, after both sides are crispy.
7. Cut with a sharp knife. Admire that cheese bridge.

Alvin Zhou / BuzzFeed