Foodie City Network Delivers Gourmet Food from TOP Food Creators Nationwide! Focusing on Gourmet Specialty Foods and Special Treats that you may not be able to find anywhere else!
( E-Commerce, Fulfillment, Distribution, Wholesale & Retail )
We are a small company (more like a family) as we are a husband & wife team, and we are truly blessed and honored by how much our Foodie Network has grown over the past 7 years now.... Please feel free to call, text, or email us anytime and let us know what you think of our specialty foods, and your overall experience with our foodie network at FCN – Socializing with our customers is the most important part of our job, and we love to do it!
"Food Brings People Together, Especially Delicious Food!", FCN
Kindest Regards,
Mike & Anita Holcombe
Founders, Foodie City Network

We donate 10% - 20% of the sale of every single Foodie Box and Gift Box to various charity and organizations close to our heart. (American Heart Association, Parkinson's Foundation, Breast Cancer Awareness Organizations, American Cancer Society, Veteran & Militay Organizations and many more)
Also, Mike and I absolutely love all of our pets! So being pasionate about food and drinks we are excited to list all of our favorite pet treats, goodies, bones, food etc! We have 5 dogs, a cat, chickens and a cockatoo bird!! Sizes vary from a Chiuhaha to 2 great danes!! And yes, as you can see we love rididng our Harley Davidson Soft tail Breakout!!!