Maple Craft Pork Jerky - 1 Case (8 X 2.25 oz. packs)
Big Fork Brands
Maple Craft Pork Jerky - 1 Case (8 X 2.25 oz. packs)
Our Maple Craft Pork Jerky. It's our Original Jerky that's dipped in Vermont pure maple syrup. 11g of Protein. 100 Calories. Paleo Friendly. Antibiotic-Free. Made in USA. No Junk. Gluten Free. 100% Berkshire Hogs. Only 7 Ingredients: pork, water, cane sugar, maple syrup, sea salt, natural flavors, celery powder, and vinegar. 1 case = 8 x 2.25 oz. individual resealable packs