Limburger Cheese, St. Mang 6.5 oz
St. MangAlmost universally known today as a stinky German cheese, Limburger was originally created by Belgian Trappist monks. The Germans, noted in the dairy world for their mimicry, latched on to the Belgian recipe and made it their own. Strangely enough, in the 1880's, a New Yorker named Emil Frey copied the recipe for Limburger and created Liederkranz - in effect, creating a copy of a copy! This pasteurized cow's milk cheese, ours is produced under the Halali brand, has a tangy, creamy, Brie-like flavor with an incredibly pungent aroma. This perfume, which is caused by bacteria living in the rind, indicates a strong tasting cheese. However, Limburger is actually fairly tame, especially when you trim the rind. It is best when served with plenty of cold beer. Other good accompaniments are tinned fish, onions, crackers, fruits, and vegetables.
- Made from pasteurized cow's milk.
- Photo depicts whole 6.35 oz. form of cheese.