Smart Baking Company
Our products go Beyond Gluten Free to satisfy familiar “carb” cravings without the actual carbs. This is so unique, SBC patented it. The Smart Baking Company was formed when the team broke the code of baking “carb free” bread. Our carbs are actually non-digestible fiber and hence non-caloric and not relevant to the GI index. It also explains why our cakes and buns have such a low caloric content. This patented formula is at the core of a smart and new way to enjoy baked goods.
Seriously? Seriously.
We know, you heard it before, great tasing and healthy? You are right. It is hard. And it is rare. And it is here. A 38 calorie gluten free, sugar free cupcake. A 72 calorie gluten free, sugar free hamburger bun. They exist here.
This is the first high protein nutritious “snack cake” which has zero carbohydrates of sugar, zero of starch. The carbs are just from fiber. Smartcake® has 60% fewer calories than any cake product on the market: just 38 calories per Smartcake® product. A serving size is 1 cake.