
The TAVORO chocolate bar holds all the values attributed to cacao that was used by the pre-Hispanic cultures as a form of money, our GOLDEN Tablet holds high VALUES because of its different formulas of great benefit for your health.
Our organic chocolate is produced with a system whose objective is sustainability and environmental protection, wich besides searching for the optimization of economic, social and natural resources it searches to maximize the social benefits of the people who make it.
This type of chocolate comes from a natural crop therefore it has great benefits to accomplish a healthy and natural diet.
Organic chocolate doesn’t contain gluten, trans fats or cholesterol.
The search for the organic ingredients that make up each of the TAVORO bars has been a carefully realized process, not only in the search for high quality standards but also working with small farmers that have the same philosophy for environmental care and love for their land. To keep the optimal quality for TAVORO organic chocolate, we have carefully selected its packaging, in such a way that it arrives to the consumer with the confidence that its contents are preserved and all its benefits and characteristics intact.
The benefits for your health and individual wellbeing that consuming chocolate provide are very important.
Cacao is the main raw material for chocolate production; it is a wonderful food that contains a high level of antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and minerals that protect your health and with consumption can contribute to preventing certain illnesses. It also contains several substances that work together to make anyone who consumes it feel emotionally calm and this produces a positive change in their frame of mind. These magical beans free endorphins and contribute to people having a positive and alert state of mind.
A curious fact for diabetics and anyone who wants to maintain an optimal body weight is that 20 grams of sour chocolate with 70% purity barely contains 120 calories. Chocolate also has a high percentage of fiber, which satiates your appetites. Therefore it´s possible to consume TAVORO organic chocolate without having any remorse!
Remember then, that pure chocolate sweetens the spirit and provides impressive benefits for your health.